Monday, November 16, 2009

American Family

During my observance and research, I found that there are a lot of interesting things about American families. First is quantity of children. Due to the Birth Control Policy, most of the Chinese families have an only child while most American families have the number of 2 or 3. But in the old time they are like the same. Children today in both China and America may have lots of aunts and uncles, but kids in the next generation in China probably may not have any cousins.

Second is the family role. It’s about the same here and in China even the changes. In old times women are usually house wives and men are the bread makers. Now most of the women have their jobs and both men and women earn money and do house things. But children in American are more independent. In China, many teenagers who are above 18 live with their parents. But here, kids just want to go out and live along.

Third is about the olds. In America, many parents live far away from their kids when their kids are independent and have their own house. Their children don’t visit them frequently though the olds want so. As a result, nowadays, grandparents don’t often take care of their grandkids, which is not like the situation in China. Many families live in the same city as their former generation does, so they go to see their parents more frequently. There are a lot of American movies about the children sickness of old parents. However, because China is a developing country, families are getting richer and richer, so older people many times are poorer and need care. Olds in American have the ability to live in a nicer and quitter place – which means higher life quality and less family love.


  1. I enjoy reading about the differences between the western and the eastern culture. It was interesting for me to get informed about your survey results!

  2. my grandma is a special example in China?
    she rejects to live with her children, because of her privacy and freedom. But she needs someone to take care of her.

    As a Chinese, can you believe that!
